Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sweet Distractions

I wonder if the most "successful" people have any lives at all. How do they have time for everything? I've been feeling particularly distracted from music these past few weeks. I always have an on-going list of to-do's for songs I need to practice, people I need to contact, booking, and organizing and scheduling duties, etc., that seems a mile long. But this past week, I've been pre-occupied with everyday, real world, home life things.

Mr. Buddy and Boris
Brandon and I just rescued a dog from the shelter. His name is Bruno. We were looking for a playmate
for our dog, Boris, as our other dog, Mr. Buddy, is 12 years old, and doesn't do much playing, or much of anything these days. Boris is a sweet dog, but he has a LOT of energy. We were hoping that by getting a dog for him to play with in backyard, he would expend some of that energy and calm down. Our efforts seem to have work so far. Boris is much more calm, when he's not playing with Bruno. He seems really happy and well adjusted. He's learning to walk on the leash better, and has stopped chewing up the couch. Seems like we made the right choice, right? Well... Bruno is a handful in himself. He has MORE energy than Boris, and is pretty much wearing Brandon and me out. He has anxiety issues. He jumped the fence twice. He's terrible on the leash, and he even attacked Mr. Buddy during feeding time. Brandon and I were about to take him back to the shelter, but we made the decision to try and rehabilitate Bruno. We are worried this might be his last shot to find a family patient enough to train him up. So, we've spent some extra time and money extending the fence in the backyard, and we've been watching a slough of YouTube videos, and reading dog training books whenever we get a free minute. I've been trying to teach Bruno to at least make eye contact with me, and to walk on the leash without pulling me along. But all of this is taking sooo much time! I hope I can find the patience.

On top of that, we've been getting ready for the wedding; planning and prepping for a whole host of family members to come and stay in our house. We're very very excited about the wedding, but
planning a wedding is a lot of work!

Bruno, AKA the Spaz!
Today, Brandon and I spent time focused on those two things, but then we took some time for ourselves to cook and share a meal, and get caught up on our favorite TV show, Once Upon a Time. Though I know some people would think that watching a TV show is not a good way to spend time with someone, we enjoy it. We get to cuddle, and chill out. Our dogs chill out too. Everyone in the house is calm. We have fun trying to figure out the plot twists before they happen. We snap our fingers and hoot and holler when a character get's told off, or they get what's coming to them. It was nice to have a little time, even if it wasn't on my to-do list, or scheduled out. Even the dog training, and fence extending was a nice break from all of the things we "should have done" today, Brandon with his art, and me with my music.

What do I feel I should I have done today? Well, I've been planning on making a new YouTube video series called, "Song A Week," wherein I video record live solo performances of original and cover songs. The first song I need to cover is "Into the Mystic," by Van Morison. It was part of a Kickstarter reward package for me to cover and make a video of this song. Though I did make an audio version, I have yet to make a video. Partly because I lost my recording capabilities, and partly because I've been so dang busy. But, now that I have the ability, I need to get to it! It will probably take me a few hours, and it's been hard to get a few consecutive hours free to do that. I also should have done some organizing, and worked on another song I signed up to record on. "Shoulds" get so dang exhausting, though! So, I took a little time for myself. And, though I wanted to keep on relaxing, I finally mustered up the willpower to write another blog post.

It's hard to find balance between home life, work, and musical projects. Personal relationships are important in life, and so is taking time for oneself. Though I enjoy what I do as a musician, it can start to feel like work if I don't take a break. I've been a bit of a workaholic over the past few years, and haven't taken enough time to stop and smell the roses. While my friends were out floating or at a bonfire, I was in my room recording or booking. I need to find the balance between achieving and experiencing. I think overall, I just need to be easier on myself, and not get worked up when I don't accomplish everything right away. If I'm constantly living for some future time when all of my projects are done, how can I enjoy the good things in life that are right in front of me now? If you think about it, all we have is now. There has never been a time when it was not now. The future doesn't exist, except in our imaginations. We make up all of these possible scenarios, and get stressed when we imagine that things won't work out how we plan.

So here's an encouragement for myself and for anyone who reads this blog: make a conscious decision this week to be in the moment. Get your mind to shut up for a second! If you're out somewhere, and someone is playing music, listen. I mean really listen, like you used to in your room when you were a teenager. When the music moved you so much that you closed your eyes, and for a moment, got lost in the undulations of sound. When a loved one gives you a hug, hug them back, FOR REAL. Give them a good squeeze. Think about how much you love them, and appreciate them with your whole being. If you get the chance to be creative, get into it! Enjoy it. Don't think of it as work, but a privilege. If you get the opportunity to go outside, do it. Feel the sun on your skin, smell the air, watch the birds and squirrels in the trees, and realize what a blessing it is to be alive! If life offers you a sweet distraction from monotony, or stressful situations, take it. You'll be so glad you did. Hopefully I can take my own advice!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if this will apply to you,but say you have a song you want to learn for a show for instance and you know you will not be able to get it ready in time, perfectly,because it has hard chord changes,etc, do you play an easier version of it b/c say you really want to play the song in your set list that weekend, or do you keep striving for perfection?

    Thanks Candy lee!
    I'm Christine Leigh! :)
